Hello Dojo Community,
I am having an audit on our Alarm Console/Pane to see the best way to filter out many entries that are cluttering up our estate. I do understand I can't filter out information alarms using the alarm template (https://community.dataminer.services/question/conditions-on-informational-alarms/). However, I am thinking of getting these alarms removed from the server source that ingests them into Dataminer.
I will like to know how I can get the percentage of memory that information alarms occupy relative to the total memory of the Dataminer system so I can measure how best performance is enhanced/improved post removal.
Hi Samson,
If you are using an indexing engine (Elastic, etc..), this post provides an explanation as to how to go about estimating the memory space alarms and information events could take on a system (Database sizing based upon alarms and alarm rate limits - DataMiner Dojo).
If you are using the general database for alarms and information events, this post provides additional information, but the above method could also be used to estimate the impact of events on memory (Reference doc on where certain data is stored - DataMiner Dojo).
Depending on the database being used, you could use below connectors to analyze and monitor parameters related to the storage tier:
Cassandra Cluster: Catalog (dataminer.services)
Elastic Cluster: Catalog (dataminer.services)
Other interesting posts on related subjects:
Can the alarm history exceeds 100 alarms with elastic DB? - DataMiner Dojo
Migration to DB Cluster ( Cassandra and Elastic) doubts - DataMiner Dojo
I hope it helps,

Many thanks Rene, this is thorough, would read through, implement and revert