Is it possible to have DM perform Incremental or Differential instead of Full MySQL backups. Most all of our customer systems have relatively large NySQL databases and as a result the DM system backups are taking many hours, from 3 to 6, to complete and in some cases are failing due to lack of disk space. Is there a way to have DM only perform Incremental or Differential backups of the database to rectify these issues? I assume we will run into similar issues in when we migrate these systems to Cassandra.
Thanks for any advice.
Hi Jeff, I believe this will be a new feature suggestion.
You can post it here:

quoting Jeroen, Jeff: indeed it would be brilliant if there is some internal versioning so that only what’s changed is added to the archive, while the unchanged parts of the system are basically not considered.
Ad interim, perhaps you can tweak the back-up settings and do not use the “FULL BACK UP” option
On average, once the DB is migrated to Cassandra (and your system matches the specs for it), it should take less to complete a full back-up.