Using IDP for a new project I noticed that there's no Google Maps license in place.
It mentions on the map "For development purposes only".
I'm not sure if everyone is aware that this is needed to get the map fully functional on IDP?
Instead of Google Maps, can Open Street Maps be used on the IDP solution?
Is it sufficient to adjust the ServerConfig.xml file?
Above documentation mentions an API key for OSM. What is it used for and how do I get one?

Hi Jeroen,
Indeed, if you want to use Google Maps, you will need to configure the API key in DataMiner settings, which is something an end user needs to acquire/provide.
However, IDP is not dependent on Google Maps and you can indeed use Open Street Maps or any other that DataMiner supports.
DataMiner uses MapQuest for the Open Street Maps integration.
API key can be obtained from here:
They have a free tier with up to 15000 transactions/month.
I’m not sure though how many transactions DataMiner does if the map card is kept open.