I would like to be able to retrieve some sort of list of all replicated elements on a DMS and display the username that was used to set up the replication; what is the best way to achieve this?
DM version info:
Server version : 9.6.1839.106
Client version : 9.6.1927.1202
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 18th July 2023
Hi Alex,
I believe it is not possible to retrieve a filtered list of replicated elements. However, you have two possible ways to generate a list of elements that will contain the username that was used to setup the replication:
- Exporting elements to a CSV file: This option will allow you to generate a CSV file that contains all the elements and the corresponding settings. You can use a spreadsheet app (e.g. Excel) to filter only the replicated elements per user
- DataMiner Web API: From DMA version 10.1.9, using the method GetElementConfiguration, you can retrieve the replication settings available for the element passed as argument. Keep in mind that this method will allow you to retrieve only one element at the time (based on DataMiner ID/Element ID). You could use first the method GetElement to retrieve the full list of elements available in your cluster and then iterate through the list to get the configuration per element.
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 18th July 2023

Thanks Miguel, I actually just discovered that a full export to csv gives the ‘Replication Active’ & ‘ReplicationUser’ – this is easily filtered in Excel and is ideal for my Use case on this occasion. So this is ideal, many thanks again for responding.