We've heard a lot about NMOS. But what is it exactly, and what are the objectives. Is it widely adopted already?
You can find more information about NMOS and the SMPTE ST2022-6 and SMPTE ST2110-X ecosystem on our Dojo Exert Hub
There you will also find a collection of links pointing to other websites to learn all about the NMOS specifications as well as webinars from our tech partners presenting NMOS customer use cases.
NMOS IS-04 (Discovery & Registration) is part of DataMiner Infrastructure Discovery and Provisioning (IDP). DataMiner uses the IS-04 Query-API to connect to any third-party NMOS registry. With that DataMiner can automatically provision new nodes in DataMiner. Whenever there is a non NMOS-compliant device, DataMiner does a network scan to discover new devices within the network, it is also possible to connect with other third-party CMDBs or inventory databases to learn about new infrastructure. With that IDP supports both NMOS and non-NMOS compliant devices.
NMOS IS-05 (Connection Management) is part of the DataMiner SDN orchestration solution, also called SDMN (Software Defined Media Networking). Whenever destination-based switching is used to connect sources with destinations, DataMiner can interface with those nodes either via IS-05 or any other proprietary protocol. Similar to DataMiner IDP, this ensures that media flows can be switched in an IP-fabric independent of the protocol used by the source or destination device. DataMiner can control each destination device to set the receiving multicast-address either via IS-05 or any other API command.