Using .dmapp packages is very common to install complete applications in DataMiner. These contain a file named FilesToLeave.txt where we can list which files should be left in the system if they already exist thus preventing an override of important configuration files.
According to task 131737, we are seeing behavior that is not expected. Instead of leaving the existing files listed in FilesToLeave.txt, installing the package replaces these regardless. The task contains the .dmapp package used for testing purposes.
Could someone take a look and explain what is happening?
Thanks in advance
There seems indeed to be an issue for filestoleave in the rootfolder.
the path to MaintenanceSettings in the package is root/maintenanceSettings.xml
This gets eventually translated to just maintenancesettings.xml, but only after the filestoleave check.
And since we don't find the c:\skyline dataminer\root\maintenancesettings.xml file, we assume we should extract that file, while we shouldn't.
So, this is indeed a software bug, and if you add this info to the task, it will be fixed.

Task updated to address this issue. Thanks.