I have a DMA that is in a faulty situation and not able to start up anymore (SLAnalytics is not able to connect to SLNet and is not further starting up).
In order to correct the situation I was hoping to execute an upgrade package on the stopped DMA. However, there is a prerequisite VerifyNatsIsRunning.dll which is failing because NATS is not running.
How can a (stopped) DMA be upgraded if NATS is not active and the upgrade needs to be executed in order to have NATS active again?
Hi Laurens,
This behavior can probably be made more robust when the DMA is offline. From what I can see in the code of the VerifyNatsIsRunning prerequisite, there's no option to skip the check. I would suggest creating a New Software Feature task for this.
You could try starting the NATS & NAS services as a workaround. If that doesn't work you'll have to troubleshoot the NATS problems first.

Indeed, I think we should also provide an option to skip the prerequisite (although your DataMiner will have issues if NATS is not running correctly)

Summary of core.ecosystem’s opinion:
Things we should do:
– Make sure that NATS/NAS runs as stable as possible and doesn’t need any manual maintenance
– Have prerequisited verify the NATS/NAS state before upgrades, and provide good instructions on what to do when issues were detected
Things we shouldn’t do:
– Have prerequisites try to correct broken NAS/NATS setups
– Make it too easy to skip prerequisites. People will tend to just upgrade and still complain about the issues, which are now bigger.
That NATS & NAS services were running and I restarted them. After that I was able to start up my DMA again. Perhaps there should be a change with the prerequisite to verify if the NATS is running and that fails that there is an attempt to (re)start that service and give it one more try before failing