When creating a new Enhanced Service and adding elements as subscriptions, Dataminer is able to update details regarding said elements to reflect that they've been added to a Service/Enhanced Service. This is visible from the View --> Elements view --> Impacted Services.
However when using DMS Monitors and adding subscriptions, this link is not registered at the subscribed element level. Is there a way to update the element details to reflect this using the Dataminer API? or any other calls which can be made from a protocol?
This query has been raised due to a requirement to delete an element and know what impact this might have across the wider DMS. For this we currently don't know if an element is added as a subscription to any other element across the DMS.

Update: This question now has an answer, thanks Jeoren 🙂
Hi Reza, if I understand it correctly the elements are not part of the service, but through a subscription on connector level to the enhanced service element it has an influence on the enhanced service parameters.
That's a good question, and one that would need to be discussed indeed.
It's also not obvious that alarms on these 'sources' impact the enhanced service parameters.
It needs to be checked in which circumstances the effect needs to impact the service and if there's a way to detect that somehow.
I would suggest to make this into a new feature request.

Thanks for you response Jeoren, is there a way one could programmatically add child elements (subscriptions) to the enhanced service? Consider if you build the enhanced service with no elements added under the New Service –> “parameters” section, would one then be able to programmatically add them when on element start up?

Shmaybe. In theory it could maybe be done, but I’m not sure. I don’t think it has been done before.
It’s definitely not standard or easy, but it would be an interesting experiment to see if it’s possible and how it behaves. Especially to see if there are drawbacks.
No answer 🙁