We have the following use case: we are building a LCA with DOM which needs data from drivers to be converted and stored in DOM (so synchronized). The LCA will contain a mapping from "protocol / table / element" to a script. This script will then be responsible for converting data from the driver into a DOM instance.
What we are looking the best way for new/updated data on a driver (be it a new/updated element, dve, row in a table ...) to trigger these scripts. The solution should be a driver independent as possible, meaning we don't want to have to make changes to the driver each time a new mapping script is added to LCA.
Now we are trying out correlation rules which trigger on information events, but that might not be the most stable solution for the future. Maybe similar solutions already exist? Any input on this is much appreciated.

I added a visualization of the flow, does this help ? Thanks
Making a driver reach out to a LCA does not look like a good flow, drivers should not open web pages or any other UIs. Maybe the driver could somehow trigger an automation script, or in Scheduler a script could be executed periodically.
it is not the goal that it opens pages on the LCA, it would be a script which checks what mapping exists and then creates DOM instances which will be visible in the app. maybe the diagram made it more confusing 🙂 I’m not much of a fan of a scheduler as that will give delays in getting the information synchronized and could result in a lot of data that needs to be communicated, but if there is no other way we will have to work with it. Maybe a combination of push and pull messages will be needed in order to guarantee consistency of the data over time.
Hi David,
First of all, I believe what you are trying to achieve will be a bit complex to maintain. When copying data from an element to DOM, basically you will have two places (in the DataMiner deployment) where you will store the same information. Is it not an option to get data directly from the element?
That being said, if your workflow still requires to ingest data from an element to DOM, instead of taking an eventing approach (subscribe to table updates), is it not an option to use a polling approach? For example, I will execute my script every hour to get data from a table and update my DOM instances accordingly.
Hope it helps.
It’s not completely clear to me how and why a LCA factors into executing a script from a driver. Would it be possible to visually represent the flow of things that should happen? Might help make it clearer to me.