I have this group that makes 2 sessions. They request Data via API Calls and write this response in a table.
It's normal that 1 session of them can fail.
If Session 100 fails (HTTP 400, 4XX,5XX) and session 117 success (HTTP 200) the protocol goes into a timeout after 30 sec (I want to keep the timeout in the protocol).
If the session 100 success (HTTP 200) and session 117 fails (HTTP 400, 4XX,5XX) I get a timeout again.
- How to time sessions or show the protocol, not go to a timeout?
The 2nd issue is I need to Poll 2 times to get both data in the table.
How to poll it only once to get all data.
thanks in advance.

Hey Ömer,
I recommend you to look at the following documentation: HTTP Connector
Next a good training course on dojo will help to understand the basics for HTTP connectors: HTTP Course
To come to your question. The group you are showing contains two problems.
1. The attribute"multipleGet" is not for HTTP connections only for SNMP (MultipleGet Attribute).
2. I would not recommend two sessions in one group. It is better to split these in each a group. This way you can make a good protocol flow ( group/trigger/action/session etc ). This can be found in the above documentation and course.
As I don't see the full picture of the connector. I'm not sure if you have redundancy implemented linked to a timeout of a session. But when reading the documentation it will indicate that 4xx and 5xx errors result in element Timeout. There is an option here to recover. This is using a trigger with following options:
The trigger will go off when a timeout occurs on the specified session. Feature introduced in DataMiner 9.0.2 (RN 12542).
Documentation about triggers: Trigger Session Timeout
Hope this helps.

From your advice, I separate the session into a group.
Now the issue changed
if the 1st session fails and 2nd success sessions, the protocol goes to timeout
(that’s not good in my case) but the protocol work fine only has the timeout message till the next request
but if the 1st session success and the 2nd fails, the timeout doesn’t appear and the protocol work fine (that’s good in my case)

Can you verify if the you clear you response params after processing them? because if you value doesn’t change this can cause problems.
Hello Omer,
If you want the element not to go into timeout when a specific session is in timeout, you can add the ignoreTimeout attribute in the session definition.
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