
Thomas Warnez

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First name Thomas
Last name Warnez

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1562 DevOps Points
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As far as I know there is not such a connector yet, but a couple of connectors have the functionality that you look for build in their logic. You could use them as an example to build that connector.

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3 Votes Selected

Hey Ömer, I recommend you to look at the following documentation: HTTP Connector Next a good training course on dojo will help to understand the basics for HTTP connectors: HTTP Course To come to...

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2 Votes

Hi, Can I ask if the value shown in you picture is shown on your element linked with the connector you developed or visible in the streamviewer? In the connector it is recommended to split your response...

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2 Votes Selected

Hi Andrea, Using the octetstringascii instead of octetstring could have an impact. It depends on the values the old firmware contained and showed. You can find more about these types in the NOTE sections...

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Hi Marco, Would it be possible to verify if the port that is configured is IP Port 9784 on the element configuration page? This was already found that in some instances the IP Port changes to 443 or 80...

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2 Votes

Hi Amer, The Widgets should contain this value you add to the display. But keep in mind they only happen if you first shown your UI first and the Widgets are part of this build UI. To access the values,...

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As far as I know it is not possible if you use RadioButtonList. The list of options are a string hashset. Next to this, the IsEnabled attribute is on the full widget/UIBlockType. One suggestion (workaround)...

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Hey, Can I ask if you already tried it without the SetVar inside the page variables? You could add the SetVar to a button to have the same functionality as you have now by selecting the page. Kind regards

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Hi Dario, You must first be sure if the value is getting triggered. With this I mean there is literally an empty value been set to the parameter. The reason I say this is that if this is true, you can...

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Hi Michiel, When you modified the button, did you look at the show/hide features of the button? Probably it isn't adjusted for the session variable yet. If you did a change there, could you maybe show...

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Hi Hari, The picture shows me that you are referencing to resources/resourcepools. Services are not directly linked to those, but maybe it is good to explain a bit more what you trying to achieve with...

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Hi Nejra, The main part here is knowing what you want to see on your DVE. If you only want the values as standalone values on your DVE. You should be fine to remove the Keys ( foreign key, primary key,...

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Hi Alex, Do I understand you want to sent data via the secondary connection? Did you already checked that the group is having the option to send it via the secondary connection <Groups>  ...

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Hi Daniel, Currently not, as each entry needs to be put on the UI. But a checkboxlist with 5000 entries are quite large too. Is a checkboxlist really needed or should an other component fit better with...

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Hey Marco and Pascal, I had a look at the connector Ateme Titan Edge. The reason for encountering this issue, is due to the fact that the steps mentioned by Pascal can be done at once via the API. This...

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Hi Fenta. First a great question. You have two options here: You can create a visio to make it fit the whole screen. You can use the option "wide column" on the page of the matrix to increase the...

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Hi Razvan, Would it be possible to show me the node info inside the service definition ( only label and profile with the toggle button is necessary)? Do you have the toggle button set to "by value" or...

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Hi Miao, Maybe I can first ask if for those that are empty, could you verify that the property exist on them? If the property doesn't exist, the filter will not work on it. If they exist, one thing you...

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0 Votes Selected

Hi Stefan, First thank you for you question. In documentation you still can find the info for childType equals to "row" see picture below. If you still are not able to find it back you can always give...

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Hey Anna. If I understand your question correctly, you want to link a shape to a parameter within the table. This can be done by adding Shape Data to the shape. The shape data should be looking like this....

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As discussed with the product owner of Data-Insights, this can cause misconception in the mind of an user. Therefor documentation will be adjusted to incorporate the findings. This to make sure people...

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Hi Rajesh, I just tested a couple of parameters with a similar situation. If you add this XML to your parameter 21 and remove the tag "Other" this should work fine. <Exceptions> <Exception...

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Update: it was concluded that the SetParameterIndexByKey() was the only way to do it dynamically. There will not be a fix. The reason is that it isn't advised to update that linkertable ad-hoc.

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Could you cleanup this alarm without restarting the DMA? On a production system we encountered a similar fact. All the alarms are "normal" but still it indicates as warning. Our customer encounter it...

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