Hi there,
I'm attempting to write an HTTP session in my protocol and would like to make my proxyServer attribute a writeable parameter as the documentation specifies that this is possible. However, I cannot seem to figure out the syntax of how to do this because there are no examples showing how this is done. Attempting to just write the pid number does not seem to link it to the correct parameter. Any help with this would be great
Thank you
Hi Tyler,
To use this feature you need to add a read/write parameter like this example:
And also on the session you should add the following tag refering to specific proxy Pid (in this case 12):
Hope it helps!
Hi Tyler
I have never used that specific feature myself, but looking at the documentation you can specify a parameter with Interprete/Type set to string.
proxyServer attribute | DataMiner Docs

Also take in account the element configuration: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/ConnectionsHttpElementConfiguration.html
Thank you Rafael! This is exactly what I was looking for.