As a user how can I copy content from a table cell in a low code app?
Right Click is not working , however it did work in the past.
Image attached contains what I get when right clicking a cell.
Hi Daniela,
In order to be able to copy table cells the 'secure context' needs to be met. This means you will need to access the app over https://
More info about secure contexts:
Also, the navigator clipboard feature needs to be available, but that should be available in all recent browser versions. (
Hope this helps!
Best regards, Ward

Hi all, we have just merged a change to fix this behavior: the context menu itself is now always shown. When the browser context is insecure or there are no permissions, a fallback popup for manual copying is shown on clicking a copy action. This will be available in DataMiner 10.3.0[CU12]/10.4.3 .
Hi Ward, that did the trick. Thanks!