Hello Dojo,
I am working on a connector that receives messages in Avro format, which seems similar to a compressed JSON structure. I was wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to convert those messages to a readable JSON structure to be able to parse in the code? I have the Avro Schema of the message.

I am actually using that currently, the issue is that a paid license is needed for commercial use. So I was hoping someone had an example on how to make the conversion using the official Apache Nuget or other open source package.
After much investigation, we have purchased the license for Landers suggestion of AvroConvert.
This Nuget is more generic and simpler to use than many of the Nuget packages I have come across. I believe the only time using the Nuget is not necessary is when the Kafka servers support Schema Registries and is able to deserialize the messages while consuming.
Thank you all for all your help!
Hi Gabriel,
I do not personally have any experience working with the Avro format but there appear to be a few alternatives in the NuGet store when searching for Avro.
One that caught my attention is the Apache.Avro, looks to be maintained by Apache themselves and since they "created" Avro I would think it should provide most features needed.
Also, the license looks more permissive than the one of AvroConvert as they use Apache License 2.0
Do you think it could work or have you found that it has any limitations?
Could this be what you need? https://github.com/AdrianStrugala/AvroConvert