Hi All.
I have the two IP source address as below on the screen
Can I assign active parameter as source address to text ?.
for example :
source address displayed as " MAIN " in text
source address displayed as " BACKUP " in text
Simply, the active parameter "source address" changes to text depending on whether there is one source or the second one
I have a start for displaying the active "source address" parameter and how to change it to display the assigned text in shape data ?
Big thanks for help.
Hi Toon.
Where should I set this rule as below in shape data :
[regexreplace:.*68.*,[regexreplace:.*84.*,[param:NewTec34,23406,TSoIP1],BACKUP],MAIN]Does in the text instead of an * ?
Big thanks for answer.

Indeed. placeholders always get replaced by text, whether in the shape text or shape data. So if you want to see it displayed on the shape, the text is where to place it.