Hi, I recently installed an asset manager database using MySQL version 5.7.44.
After configuring the database connection in the system center, in the asset manager application, I got an error saying: "Select query failed: A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception".
I was able to work around this issue by adding the skip_ssl instruction in the MySQL my.ini configuration file.
However, I would prefer to set up the connection properly with SSL enabled. How can I create such a configuration?
I had the same issue a while back and at the time simply settled for skipping the SSL authentication like you by adding 'SslMode=None' in the connection string in cube.
However upon digging further the reason for this error was because my client and remote MySql server were running different TLS versions. To be more specific the remote server did not support the TLS version presented by the client. A Wireshark capture showed the TLS handshake failing with the error (TLSv1.1 Record Layer: Alert (Level: Fatal, Description: Protocol Version)
I'm fairly confident if I had resolved this difference that would have fixed the error in the Asset Manager not connecting or at the very least move past this error.
Hope this helps.

Thank you for the information, I’ll check if it is the same issue in my case.