Dear Dojo,
What is the best way to use a placeholder that refers to the DMA i am connected to in a URL?
I am asking specifically for a button that should open the Cube desktop application on a certain service card. This should be possible by configuring an action (Navigate to a URL) on the button using the following URL:
cube://<IP Address>?service={FEED.Bookings."Timeline 3"."Selected items"."Query rows"."Service ID"}
I would like to replace the fixed IP address <IP Address> with a placeholder that resolves to the DMA that I am connected to so that the Cube session also uses that DMA. How can this be done? <DMAIP> as is possible to link to a web page in Visio doesn't work.
Hi Koen,
This is currently only available when configuring a URL in the Web component. There <dmaip> can be used to insert the IP address. If you want us to implement this feature, you can create a feature suggestion.
Hi Koen,
Wanted to let you know this feature will be included in the release of 10.5.2. You should be able to access the dmaip value by using {URL.DMAIP.Value}.
With kind regards