How can I assign an alias to the resources added to the service created by an SRM booking?
I'm creating these bookings via an automation script and have already tried to use the "Name" property on the Function array.
Hi Gelber,
We use the 'use node label as element alias' option, which is available on the general page in the booking manager.
This will give the service child an alias based on the label of the nodes in the service definition.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know what the purpose is of the name property in the function class. Let’s hope someone else in the community can shed some light on this.
Hi Gelber, Name in the Function class is only of internal use in the SRM Framework, setting it when creating a booking does not have any effect.
Hi Ive. Thanks for pointing me to the configuration. I changed it, and it worked as expected. Do you know by chance the purpose of the Name property in the Function class?