Hi recently we encountered an issue with a SNMP device which one of his tables was reporting a few values again and again when doing a MultipleGetNext resulting in an infinite loop, luckily SLProtocol was able to capture this and print a log in the element.
This took us a while to detect since this element was part of a bigger solution. My question is there a way to create an alarm/information event in the alarm console to get better visibility of this?
There is no real possibility to detect such an infinite loop. The only thing that can be done is adding a trigger on the parameter to go off when it is in timeout, as an infinite loop also results in a timeout by default (unless InvalidResponseHandling->InfiniteLoop would be set to 'success' to prevent this). But when such trigger goes off, it's not possible to make the distinction between a real timeout, because the device is not reachable, or an infinite loop.