I have two DMAs installed in a virtual environment. Each DMA has three network adapter configured, one for corporate network, one for acquisition network and one is for sync between DMAs. This thirth network is virtual, is connect internally in the hypervisor, so is faster and has low latency.
How can I configure the DMAs to use this thirth network adaptor for sync purpose between DMAs and how can I check after if it is doing well?
Thanks in advance!
For communication between DMAs, DataMiner relies on the operating system to route the traffic to the remote DMA. DataMiner is using the IP address of the primary interface (as listed in Cube > System Center > Agents) for the communication.
It's the operating system which decides which route to take based on available interfaces/subnet masks/routes/metrics. Typically, the source network interface being used will be the network interface which has the matching IP address (same subnet) on the source DMA.
Hi Fernando,
You can configure which NIC needs to be used on the "synchronization" page of your failover configuration.
You can find some details on this section in the help.

Hi Ive,
Thanks for the answer but I was talking about the sync between DMAs in a DMS, not between a DMA and its failover.