I'm going to establish a cleanup routine on the offload Database, by deleting entries older than xx days. For almost all tables I'm able to see the relations, but not for the service_alarm table.
Can anyone clarify if and how this table is linked to the other tables?

I’d also review this information for reference, although, not exactly the same. https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/Databases/Offload_database/Structure_of_the_offload_database.html#service_alarm-table
Thanks, this was the info I was looking for.
From this I understand that iAlarm and iAlarmDMA in service_alarm relates to Id and DmaId in the alarm table.
Hi Jan-Terje,
I'm posting an answer instead of a comment to close the question from our side since i see that the info from Rene was sufficient?
If there are still remainnig questions, don't hesitate to ask more information.
That is correct, the answer from Rene was what I was looking for
Please see this post where the use case is explained. https://community.dataminer.services/question/whats-the-impact-of-delete-the-service_alarm-table/