I have a matrix element with visual matrix component, but with no inputs table and no outputs table.
I know how to make a crosspoint with the visual matrix component, but I'd like to create a Visio button to trigger a SET command to do the same thing by defining shape data.
I was able to figure out the parameter ID for the matrix object, but can not find the way how to specify the input and output as a parameter for a crosspoint from there.
Hi Mahito,
You can use a comma separated format to indicate input, output, state.
For example a shape with "Execute" shape data "Set|[DMAID]/[ElementID]|[ParameterID]|1,15,1" will set the crosspoint of input 1 and output 5 on a 10x10 matrix.
In this syntax inputs and outputs are counted 1-based and continuously, so if you have 10 inputs on your matrix, the first output will be identified as "11".
Execute "Set|[DMAID]/[ElementID]|[ParameterID]|1,15,0" will clear that same crosspoint.

Hi Mahito,
Another option is to use the Router Control application of DataMiner.
You should be able to import Router Controls into your Visio.
DataMiner Help => Router control
DataMiner Help => Add Router control to your Visio

Hi Michiel,
Thank you for your answer.
It gives good alternatives !
Hi Michiel,
Thank you for your answer.
Solved my problem !