Hello Dataminer support,
Can you please advise on how I can get/generate a log of notifications received by Dataminer from CMTS over the course of 1 week/month to compare the load? NBN mentioned that they are using splunk as repositoty of old logs, however we will need to supply a search string to work with - as "trap" by itself may not be enough, or is it?
Hi, what do you mean with "notifications"? Incoming trap/inform messages?
A search string is also mentioned and comparing the load. Could this be a bit more clarified? As you mention a search string then I guess a simple count of incoming trap messages will not be sufficient and the entire content should be saved? Note that storing the entire content coming from a CMTS could get quite large over time.
An idea could be to have a driver that listens for incoming traps and then sets this content in a "logger table", which is writing it directly into a database which could be an elastic database and then perform queries on that content.
As far as I’m aware of, this is by default not available to have counters filtered per source IP. What could be done is use an element of one of the Generic Trap drivers, such as the Generic Traps Destination Checker. That driver gives an overview of all elements when the last trap was received and also from IP addresses without a known element. There is currently no counter of the number of traps that entered over a period of time, but that can be asked through a new driver feature request. Or use one of the other Generic Trap drivers that are able to filter more on content and then request to add a counter in one of those drivers. Or ask to have that counter added to the CMTS driver(s) that monitor the CMTS to know how many traps were processed during a period of time.
Hello Laurens,
nbn have a splunk server that will store all trap/inform messages received by Dataminer over time. I would like to check if a simple search string will be enough for nbn to run a query in splunk to collect or check the number of traps/inform messages sent by the CMTS on any given day/time?
I’m not familiar with Splunk queries so unfortunately I won’t be able to help with that specific part
Hi Mert,
We have currently in our catalog a connector (driver) that performs queries to a Splunk platform. We could potentially update the driver to query trap statistics from Splunk, however I believe the approach discussed by Laurens is the best option in your use case. If DataMiner is receiving traps, we could easily implement a counter in the driver ‘Generic Traps Destination Checker’ that will provide you the statistics that your are looking for.
Hello Laurens,
Yes, we are looking at incoming trap/inform messages.
My CMTS engineering would like to know if Dataminer have statistics on how many traps they see and the volume of notifications over time for a CMTS?