I would like to know a bit more about the mechanism by which the audio files are transferred to/ from the DMA to/from the Alerter agent.
When you add an audio file to playback with an alarm, is that file uploaded to the DMA?
Is it then downloaded only when the file is needed to play for an alert?
Are all files transferred from DMA to Alerter upon login?
Are the files zipped and unzipped in the transfer process?
Does Alerter effectively close each wave file after it is played, or is it somehow held in a cache for future playback, such that an unplanned shutdown of Alerter could cause wave file corruption by not properly closing the audio file?
As far as I can find, all zipping/unzipping occurs on the server.
When SLAlerter connects, an GetAlerterSettingsResponse request is used to get the settings from the server (for this user or group). If the settings haven't been changed on the server, the server responds this without sending the actual data.
When the server returns updated settings (GetUserInfoResponseMessage), they are saved locally (for sounds, this is dumping bytes to disk. No zipping/unzipping involved here).
Settings are saved from SLAlerter to the server mainly after updating the settings, using a SaveAlerterSettingsMessage. Zipping occurs on the server.