The documentation states that you can trigger the "created booking script" to finalize the configuration of a booking.
However, there is no example included.
What's the correct way to trigger the "created booking script"?
You can find more information here: SRM properties for use with the Booking Manager app | DataMiner Docs

Only [RESERVATIONID] is supported

Okay, thanks.
Hi Jason,
You can add a property to a node on your Service Definition: "Created Booking Action"
In there you'll need to place a Json Value:
e.g. {"Script":"Script:UpdateJob||BookingId=[RESERVATIONID]"}
This will then trigger the defined script when a booking is confirmed.
More details on this can be found on DataMiner Docs

Hi Stacey,
Thanks for the example. It seems to work on staging.
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for the link to the documentation.
We’ve tested this on staging and it does work.
Is it possible to pass other information to the script such as the NodeId?
Or is there a list of placeholders that we can use?