I'd like to store some string value persistently, and recall and use the string value as a shape data of visio.
I thought Memory file could be an option, because you can store strings to Memory file, but don't know how you can recall and apply it as a shape data.
Any good way to achieve that ?
Hi Mahito Murakami,
Yes, this is possible by adding '__saved_' prefix before the name of your session variable (DM Help)

You are correct on that. This is indeed client-side.
If you would like to save things persistently, you can indeed use properties on the View/Element/Service. If it is something related to the element itself, you can also store it there.
Hi Jarno,
Thank you for your answer.
As far as I understand, saved session valuable is stored in client side, but not on server side, that means, you can not share the value with other users/clients, am I correct ?