In the Booking Manager application, can I use the Leave Quarantine Script parameter to select a custom script to facilitate the process of re-assigning resources on quarantined bookings?
I'm asking this because of a project where we found out that we needed to perform multiple manual steps when resolving these conflicts. I wonder if such a script could deal with all the changes, including an interactive way to allow the operator to select a set of new resources when the button "Try Leave Quarantine" is pressed. If possible, is there any sample script I can start with?
Gelber, the ‘Try Leave Quarantine’ function will check the content of the booking and try to leave quarantine. This will succeed in case there is no more resource conflict.
Resolving conflict then needs to be done in 1 or 2 steps.
When 2 bookings are conflicting because same resource is assigned to both, assigning a different resource can automatically leave Quarantine state. In that case, no need to push 'Try Leave Quarantine'
In case the conflict is resolved by adjusting capacities/capabilities/concurrency on resources, then you'll have to select the booking and push 'Try Leave Quarantine'.
It is always possible to implement a custom front-end script and use the methods available to change the Booking Life Cycle :
var bookingManagerElementName = "Booking Manager";
var reservationInstance = SrmManagers.ResourceManager.GetReservationInstance(reservationId);
var bookingManager = new BookingManager(engine,
bookingManager.TryLeaveQuarantineState(engine, ref reservationInstance);