By subscribing the items (no matter it is a connector, a visual overview or a solution), the items are added into account's "favourite folder" and the account will get a notice when there is any update for the subsribed items.
It may also be a reminder for those dataminer users who upgrade the equipment but forget to update the connectors.
Hi Wayne,
Please don't forget to document your feature request on the feature suggestion page.

Hi Wayne,
thank you for your suggestion. This is something that has been brought up in the past and I have forwarded it to our PO.
I have one question for you: would you expect the notifications to be sent only to the person that created that "subscription" or should that be sent to a group of people that can be configured?
We certainly see the value in this and will take this up for consideration for our future development.
With kind regards.
thanks for reminding – already done 🙂