Is there a way to send filter & sort operations to server side ?
GQI is nice to do some custom queries but the inconvenient is once you want to integrate it in a table, you have to send the whole table data to have filtering & sorting.
This start to be a problem when you have thousands of rows in your table.
Sending to server side would necessit to code the filter ourselves but it is something common in other frameworks or languages.
For example, js component (DataTables | Javascript table library ) is a component which let you choose if you want to process data on client side or server side.
I wish something similar could exist to be able to use the GQI queries on large amount of data.

Hello Marieke,
A delivery date would be fine to me 🙂
Hi Julien,
Could you elaborate on the data source you are using? (Is it a built-in one or are you creating your own ad hoc data source?)
If you sort or filter the data within your table (using the column header of the table) than a sort or filter operator will be appended to the query behind the scenes.
Most built-in data sources are optimized as such that filter and sort operators are forwarded to the server, to ensure an efficient and scalable data retrieval.
For ad-hoc data sources it is the responsibility of the ad-hoc data source creator to fetch the data as efficient as possible, to make it scalable. For that they can use paging, caching etc. We currently also have a feature on our backlog to expose information about the query to the ad-hoc data source implementation. (For example, which filters are applied etc.)
Best regards, Ward
Hi Julien,
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need more information for this? If not, could you select Ward's answer to indicate that the question is resolved?