Hi community,
I would like to build a query where I can see the alarm history, where the name of the affected service contains a specific value.
However even when I limit it to active alarms, the AffectedService Column remains empty (for alarms with service impacts).
How can I get the names or ids of the affected services like in the alarm console?
Hi Felix,
Assuming you are using the built-in data source to query alarms, the "Services" column present in the Alarm Console is not available yet. Feel free to create a feature request for that.
For now, the way to achieve this would be via an Ad Hoc data source which allows you expose the Services property of alarms containing the names of all the impacted services. There are already some similar Ad Hoc data sources available on GitHub you could use as a starting point. For example: SkylineCommunications/SLC-GQIDS-ActiveAlarmsUsingFilter: Fetches all active alarms using a public alarm filter. (github.com)
The "AffectedService" column on the other hand is not a built-in column of the data source that I know of, so that is most likely a custom alarm property?
(You can verify this in the Alarm Console by right-clicking a column > Add/Remove column > Alarm properties)