Hi Dojo,
When using a 'regular' GQI query it's possible to do some DOM filtering based on the DOM Instance state which gives you a nice dropdown with the different options while configuring it.
In some cases I need to use an ad hoc data source for some advanced filtering, but I noticed that it's not possible to have a dropdown with the possible values provided to the user.
Is this something that we can expect in the near future to provide the possible enums/options from the add hoc data source script to the end users?

Hi Wout, for the current implementation I expect it in the end (e.g.: providing a GqiEnumColumn with the different options and selected option).
Hi Jens,
GQI Ad Hoc Data sources currently do not have a concept of columns with discreet values. When columns can be discreet and their discreet values can be defined in the script, the query will have the same behavior as is currently the case for the built-in date sources (just like DOM). I have created a task on our backlog to implement this feature.
Hi Jens, where do you expect this dropdown to be shown: Is this in the input arguments for the ad hoc source or in a different query node after that?