Hi SL Team,
after watching the operator alarm tutorial i wanted to set some alarms from normal to absolute.
As you can see the parameter was monitored before and even trended. But when changing to absolute and clicking the "baseline" it tells me "no baseline values found".
Same issue i have on discreete stings where i want to check if a string paramter changes.
I can not set the current value as baseline -> since it also tells me no baseline values found.
BR Kristian
On what DataMiner version is this problem occurring? What is the local database that is being used: MySQL or Cassandra? I tested this situation on a DataMiner version with Cassandra database and there it's working correct.

My first suggestion would be to verify with the full alarm template if you can access it (right click on the element in the surveyor -> Protocols & Templates ->View Alarm Template) in that alarm template change the type into “Absolute” for “Disk Information: Free Space” parameter and then double click on the [BASELINE] to see if you can get the values there.
If that doesn’t work then a possibility could be to update your staging DMA to – 11030 [CU8], this way the DMA stays in the same main release path as it’s currently running (now you’re running [CU1]), cumulative updates (CU) only contain bug fixes without introducing new features and I see that there were some fixes in the smart baselines so it could potentially fix this problem.

I went to the latest main version –
an its working for now for both my elements.
Hi Laurens,
indeed it is our stagin DMA an it is with Cassandra.
So i guess you suggest to go to 10.1.11 first?
Cheers Kristian