Hi Dojo,
Looking after a specific use-case where the round trip time of a few connections should never exceed a fixed value - when considering the "Ping Result" in the Generic Ping protocol, however, alarming seems to be possible only for the "fixed" discrete values expected when the PING is not producing a numeric result,
e.g. "Destination Host Unreachable" - I guess this is by design, yet for most cases the column of the "Ping Table" will report a value in ms - any hints? Using version
I guess I'll need to use the Delta or "Avg Time" value - but I believe that will not allow to alarm on the "real-time" sample.
On a related note, is this separate "Ping Monitoring" package something available for evaluations?
Hi Alberto,
Since you already have acquired the Generic Ping connector, you can get the Ping Monitoring application. We have bundled the connector and the application together.
The easiest way to install the app is to deploy it into your system from the Catalog:
- Your DataMiner system needs to be connected to dataminer.services
- Ask your TAM or someone in Skyline with access to your system via dataminer.services to deploy the app for you. *
* At the moment, only Skyline employees can deploy packages from Catalog. I can do it if you give me access to your system using my email address miguel.barquet@skyline.be
Regarding the monitoring of the Ping Result parameter.
I will look into it now and get back to you shortly.

Thanks – I should be able to download – I can see the button – but at the time it might be failing as the cloud connected agent may need a kick 😉
I’ll be in touch if I need help – so… speak soon 😉