Hi All,
I have created a Service Template that allows a user to go through a step by step process to generate a service. I believe it's possible but i'm not quite sure how, but how do I generate multiple services at once using a service template alongside a list of data, such as a CSV spreadsheet?
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Hi David,
Once the service template is created, you can export the configuration (right click -> Export configuration ...) This action will generate a CSV file that contains the input data required to create the service template. However, you will need to tweak the CSV file so it can be used to generate services.
You will notice that the CSV file contains columns that don't contain the prefix 'data:'. These columns should be removed. For example, below an example of a raw CSV file:
- The separator in this case is a semicolon
- The service template does not have linked services (that is the reason only the header is displayed)
- Depending of the input data available in your service template, you will have different "data:" columns
- In this example, the generated service will contain two elements. Depending of the child elements in your service template, there could be more elements.
In order to use this CSV file to generate services, we should remove the following columns: "serviceID", "serviceName", "element:1", and "element:2". The CSV file should look like as follows:
Once the columns are defined, you can add rows to the CSV file. Each row will represent a generated service.
Hope it helps.

Thank you for your detailed response. While I ended up not importing the data due to complexity, this is very handy information for later when we do have to import data.