While we were testing a new SRM development, we noticed on the information events that the profile load script was setting a value into the correct DVE, but the parameter description seemed to be from another Row.
We then analyzed the generated DVE and none of the parameters were filled in with the corresponding row.
The function file is pretty simple and points to a single table (no column with a secondary key) we only export single parameters from some columns, there is a naming tag in that table but I am not sure this would be the root cause.
What could be the cause for the DVE to be pointing at the wrong row?

Thank you for your reply. You are right, the linker table points at indexes of rows that don´t exist, could it be the protocol ?
Hi Hugo,
can you confirm this was indeed an issue with the indexes of the driver?
Hi, yes i can confirm, the primary key was chaging when we would set a new layout.
Thank you for the confirmation!
Closing this question from our side
Hi Hugo,
Did you check the linker table on the resources subpage of the generic parameter s page? The bottom table should show to which row in the parent element your function resource dve links.
Is the info correct there?