I am currently implementing a Visio which contains a ParameterSummary in one shape and the parameters included are contained in a different shape.
My Problem now is that I need to Display the highest alarmstate in the ParameterSummary, but if the device is in Timeout the Parameters which i defined like this and grouped together with a Element are showing the Timeout Colour, while the ParameterSummary is not.
Is there a Way to implement this?
this is the ParameterSummary
Thanks upfront.
A way around this is to use a show/hide condition that shows a timeout block when the element is in timeout and to show the ParameterSummary when it's not.
The alarm level is a generic parameter on every DataMiner element, meaning you can define a condition like "<A>-A|Element:[var:DCSMUC]|Parameter:65008|=Timeout" and show/hide either shape based on this.
A video course on conditional shape manipulation can be found here:
The DataMiner help page on it is here: help

Not that I know of. It’s definitely an interesting feature suggestion though. You can always post it as a suggestion here: https://community.dataminer.services/feature-suggestions
Thats great, thank you. I will try it out
So there is nothing included in DM?
Just asking cause I would then have to define about 50 shapes to implement this.