Hi All,
We have an end-user setting up a Failover configuration, however their Backup agent does not seem to acquire the Virtual IP automatically after a failover switch.
Note that it can still be reached via it's individual IP (and functions correctly, going into standby mode when the main agent is offline) when it's online. The main agent can be reached via both it's interfaces when it's online as it does acquire the virtual IP properly.
Any tips on how to set up the Virtual IP acquisition properly?
Do you get the same behaviour (failover DMA taking over without getting the VIP) even if you force online the offline agent? Are all the addresses in the same /24 subnet?

Hi Rodrigo,
I’ve seen this only now – I assume you got the answers now.
/24 or higher (/28 in your case) wold be normally ok, as long as we have room for 3 IPs on it.
I had asked just to exclude that the deployment had e.g. a /16 (that is currently not possible – I remember discussing this in the past when exploring having a main and a backp agent across 2 different data-centres, where the the network architecture would not allow to extend the same /24 subnet across 2 different sites).
Hi Rodrigo,
Do you know if there was any network configuration change recently?
You could get additional information about what could be the reason from the SLFailover and SLNet log files.
Did you by any chance hard-code the VIP as an IP on the interface? We have seen this behavior if we accidentally hard-coded the IP on the interface. Make sure that only the individual IP's are set. In order for the DMA to find out which one it should take as active, i usually stop both DMA's inlcuding SLNet; have one startup completely (with the other one still shutdown) and once it's fully online start the failover pair.
Usually like that they fight it out and you will have one DMA with the VIP and the other one without.
If the above still does not work, try to recreate your failover settings...
Rodrigo, you may find the following video by our Skyline colleague very useful. Agents - configuring DMA Failover - DataMiner Dojo . Do provide more details on the setup if you are still stuck in getting the virtual IP working.
Hi Alberto, this question is the one that has stood out so far, as everything else looks as it should. Is it necessary to use a /24 subnet? The user in this case has a /28 subnet. And yes, if we force the Backup agent online, the failover executes, (and the main agent goes dormant) but the Backup agent never grabs the virtual IP.