Hi all,
I am having a hard time understanding how the alarm linkage works for EPM Objects. The color on the Card does not seem consistent with element alarm or EPM alarm templates. Please see the examples below:
This is how the EPM Object is referenced in the Visual Overview:
But the alarming color on the EPM Object card is orange (CCAP Core), while the shape alarm color is teal (matches element in this case, but not in others, coincidence?):
Another example where the EPM Object card color is orange (Spine), while the data section is all blue and the element itself is blue as well:
In this last example, I see no reason why the severity color should be orange since there are no critical alarms on the element itself, or in the EPM alarm template for the associated tables linked to this EPM Object.
Could you please provide the details of how the alarm color for these EPM Objects is retrieved? What/Where is the source for the severity color shown?
Hi Alex,
When linking a shape to a CPE object, you have 3 possibilities for the alarm level:
- Instance: Instance alarm level of the CPE object (default)
- BubbleUp: Bubble up alarm level
- Summary: Highest severity of the 'Instance' and 'BubbleUp' alarm levels
You can configure these in the AlarmLevel shape data field.
Perhaps displaying these 3 levels next to each other can give some more insights on the problem.