Hello DOJO
We are trying to send out an Email report for all elements corresponding to a protocol
The trend we want to send is about the second line in a table.
Each element has a different name ending by .0 or .1
If we explicitly select the line from the listbox for each element, it's OK, but we don't want to add all elements manually
As expected, no list box is available for indices, when we work by selecting a protocole
* is not working
*.1 is not working
\.1 is not working
What is the way to filter ?
It should work using a wildcard filter like "*" or "*.1" except if it is a partial table. Is "Remotes Ping" a partial table?
If not then we would have to debug this further. You could also try generating the report via http://dma/reports/managetemplates.asp where you select the protocol, table column parameter and the wildcard filter. Does it work there?
Also note that this legacy Reporter module is being retired.
Hi Joel,
I'm not 100% sure, it's been a while I've worked on this feature..
But can you try to do the following:
- select as protocol
- select your table column parameter
- In the Indices column, replace default value "*" with the indices that you want to show separated with a ; character.
Example could be: ".1-Primary 01;.1-Secondary 03;.1 Backup"
Normally, this should work if I'm not mistaken..
Looking forward to your positive response.
with Best Regards,

Thank you for your reply Matthias
If I well understand your explanation, I should add the indice name of each element with a “;” separator
if it’s right, it’s not possible, because I have a lot of element to report