Hi Team,
I'm facing an issue, where i'm trying to monitor a table on an element by creating a service. In the actual table one of the row column surpasses the threshold and triggering critical alarms. (As per screenshot 1)
I'm trying to update a already created service with the Servers Info table parameter ID. On the service, the Cluster Members parameter is showing alarm as red, but the element holding it shows as green.(As per screenshot 2)
Below is the code i have used for creating & updating this service. Please help me on understanding what is the issue
Creating Service:
List<ServiceInfoParams> serviceParams=new List<ServiceInfoParams>();
var service = new ServiceInfoEventMessage { Name = serviceName };
service.DataMinerID = dmaAgentId;
service.ServiceParams = serviceParams.ToArray();
var viewIDs = new[] { GetViewForServiceCreation(viewNewName).Id };
_engine.Log("Create service ends here");
var serviceId = engine.AddService(service, viewIDs);
Updating Service:
filters.Add(new ServiceParamFilter
ParameterID = Convert.ToInt32(pid.GetFieldValueById(Ob_Resourcemanagement.Sections.Serviceparams.Parameter_Id).Value.Value.ToString()),
IsIncluded = true,
var sipElement = new ServiceInfoParams
Alias = elementName,
DataMinerID = Convert.ToInt32(elementId?.Split('/')[0]),
ElementID = Convert.ToInt32(elementId?.Split('/')[1]),
ParameterFilters = filters.ToArray(),
_serviceInfo.ServiceParams = serviceInfoParamsList.ToArray();
var addServiceMessage = new AddServiceMessage
DataMinerID = _serviceInfo.DataMinerID,
HostingDataMinerID = _serviceInfo.HostingAgentID,
Service = _serviceInfo,
Screenshot 1 (On actual element appears like this)
Screenshot 2 (On Service appears like this)
Hello Hari,
I hope you are doing well today.
From your screenshot I was able to find out the Cluster you are working, and this one 'ContributionDev" - is currently running the feature version 10.4.5 -> released on March/2024
As informed in the post from Luís Freitas: it is a known issue solved on Feature Release: 10.4.12.
when you are using a feature release, see our recommendation from Software support life cycles | DataMiner Docs
"If you are following the Feature Release track, you always need to upgrade to the latest version to get the latest security updates. If you do not want to upgrade to a new Feature Release version but do want to get the latest security updates, you will need to switch to the Main Release track instead."
kind regards,