Hi all,
Some times, when I install Elasticsearch using Cube (SYSTEM CENTER > SEARCH & INDEXING), it fails to complete the installation, as it got authentication errors (verified by looking to the SLSearch logfile).
I could overcome this by editing the elasticsearch.yml file, comment the rows related to the xpack.security and restart both Elasticsearch service and DataMiner.
On another deployments, this went smoothly and the setup runs fine with xpack.security settings enabled.
Can someone please clarify if is it expected to have xpack.security settings enabled by default when I install elasticsearch via Cube?
If yes, how can we fix the authentication problem, when it occurs?
Hello Bruno,
Elastic security and TLS used to be configured when doing an Elastic installation trough Dataminer. However, since 10.1.0 main release and 10.1.3 feature release, this is no longer the case. There were serveral difficulties and issues regarding automating this. So, on newer versions this problem should no longer occur and the workaround is to indeed disable the "xpack.security" setting.
We created a manual document to enable this properly on dojo: Setting up TLS & Security on Elastic.
I hope this answers your question,
Kind regards,