Hi All.
How can I create feed references inside textual settings and use the following syntax:
{FEED.Source name.Feed name.Category name.Data type.Property name}
`{FEED."Page 1"."Dropdown 3"."Selected item".Elements."Protocol Name"}`.
Where can I enter this test string to get the answer to the query?
Big tahnks for answer.

Hi Jarek,
We have recently finished a feature that implements this in 2 more components. You will now be able to use that syntax to visualize text in the text component and to visualize HTML in the Web component or build a URL in the Web component. The components support this in both Dashboards & Low Code Apps but note that in Dashboards the 'Page' can be omitted.
This feature will be available from DataMiner 10.3.0[CU14]/10.4.0[CU2]/10.4.5 onwards.
Other than these places, you can only use this syntax in a 'Navigate to a URL action' inside a LCA.
Hi Jaroslaw, Can you provide some more information on what you are trying to accomplish. Maybe a mockup of what you are looking for if possible.