In Visual Overview, we're working with dynamically positioned shapes based on entries in a table. It's a chassis device.
The element also creates DVEs, but these are not linked to the same table.
Is there a way to still have a the module shapes linking to the DVEs, or does it need to be the DVE table that contains the position?
What is new is the row details that pop up when clicking the module shape. I guess that when it's linked to a DVE table, the behavior is that it opens the DVE?
I'd also like to display the DVE alarm color in the module shape. What's the correct procedure for this?
By default, dynamically positioned items will link to the element that contains the source table. However, this can be overwritten by setting the LinkElement option on a column in the protocol.
When configured, the Visual Overview will then link the dynamically created shape to the element defined in the column. More information can be found in the help.
Once the element is linked with the DVE, the alarm color should follow suit.

The “Combining data with linked elements” topic of the visual overview training is now online
This will also be included in the upcoming advanced dynamic positioning course, so keep an eye on the visual overview courses page.