Is it possible to create DVEs such that their names are not prefixed with the parent element name?
e.g. Parent Element.DVE1 where Parent Element is the name of the parent and DVE1 is the name of the created DVE
=> change to just DVE1
If this is not recommended practice, what is the rationale behind it?
It is indeed possible with the 'noElementPrefix' that Ive mentions, but do note that this is not recommended practice. The biggest drawback here is that an element name needs to be unique in the DMS. This means when omitting the parent name that it is the responsibility of the developer to guarantee that the DVE element name is unique and needs to implement a call that retrieves all the element names in the DMS, and if that element name already exists (and is not the own element) that then a new unique name needs to be 'invented' when adding or altering the row with the DVE to be created.
This makes it all more complex, because the DVE table could be originating from an SNMP table that is being polled and fills in the names automatically->that will need to be prevented and bypassed. Hence why the name of the parent element is automatically added, because that parent element name is already unique so if the display key name of the DVE is also unique inside the element then it implies that the element name of the DVE will also be unique without the need of the developer to start implementing calls to get all the element names-> code logic will be more complex and more load on the system.