I remember, the driver installations information was available at "My DMS" page in the previous DCP portal. Do you have a plan to implement the same feature in the new DCP portal site ?
Hi Mahito,
Good question! Drivers are now available in the Catalog (dataminer.services). When your DMS will be connected to the cloud, we will soon add the possibility to deploy drivers from the catalog on to your DMS and you will also see if it's already installed. We should then indeed also look in to giving you again an overview of what you have already installed. That's definitely good feedback and we'll take that in to account when we further develop the Catalog.

This is indeed a very good use case, we’ll take that in to account! Thanks!
Hi Bert,
Thank you for your prompt comment.
My use case, is that people in big organization may not have full visibility which drivers have been already purchased, other than their own division’s DMS.
“MyDMS” page at the legacy DCP portal was good place to check.
I’m expecting the same information in dataminer.services as well.
Thanks !