I'm creating elements with table information usisng Xpos, im tring to add a dro target space but the xpos elements dont move when i click over then, it's posible move it?
Hi Juan,
I did a quick test, the drag and drop functionality works when using dynamic positioning based on properties, but not if the dynamic positioning is based on table data. When using the hover functionality instead, it works correctly. If this alternative does not work for you, you can send us a feature request through the collaboration platform if you need this functionality for your application.
Hi Juan,
The DataMiner Help has a section dedicated to the drag and drop functionality in the Visual Overview.
I would advise you to start with 2 simple static shapes in order to try it out. Then you can gradually improve your setup so it works with dynamic positioning.
Hello Sebastiaan
I did it, when i use normal shape it really works but when i try to use the shape created by “Positioning shapes dynamically” it dont move.

Would it be possible to extend your question so we can have more insight on the configuration?
Im using this opcion to create dinamic shape’s:
In the cube when i try the drag and drop this automatics shape it dont move, in my exersice when i use a regular shape i can drop it but not with the dinamic shape
Hi Michael
Thanks for you response, i’m using the xpos from a table so i understand that it is not available right now.
I’ll ask for this functionality.