In the article below it's mention that tcp port 80 can be close
Nevertheless it seems that when the port 80 is closed, some features are not available such as Cube automatic software update after Dataminer upgrade.
Does the port 80 open is mandatory and if yes what are the features that use it ?
Hi Bernard,
Port 80 can only be closed when HTTPS is enabled. For more information, please refer to Setting up HTTPS on a DMA. If HTTPS is not enabled, closing port 80 will indeed cause problems. HTTP is the protocol used to browse to Dashboards, download Cube,....

It should be possible to close port 80, it’s possible you may have to recreate your system in the DataMiner Cube start window. Could you try if that fixes your problem?

In addition, if you are using links in your visual overviews, you might need to change them to https as well. The way you connect to the DMA needs to be the same as in your certificate. If you are using IP or hostname, make sure it is the same as in your certificate or add it to your certificate.

Those are indeed also common issues Michiel, I’ve added them to the common issues in the docs now:
@Bernard, please also refer to:
Hi Jens,
yes sure https is enable in my use case and the port 80 is close.
So if I well understood for dashboards and download Cube port 80 is mandatory ?