Does Skyline already have a Kafka integration in a form of a driver or as a module part of the core software?
If not, are there any expectations in terms of a roadmap to allow the users to import/export data from/to Kafka?
Kafka is not part of the core software at this moment. I have created a driver that consumes messages from a Kafka queue. This is part of a larger project that also processes the message, but you could extract that consumer part from the project. There is no need to use dlls for this, the Apache commands are fairly easy by simply sending commands and receiving responses this can be implemented in a serial driver which benefits from the standard DataMiner functionality such as the possibility to see the communication in the StreamViewer, have automatic timeout and we have full control over the content that is being sent. If a dll is used then you'll lose all that functionality. A very interesting link that explains the Kafka command and response structure can be found here

Was this later addressed with the integrations in this thread?
As mentioned in the comment of Bruno’s reply, what I’m looking in here is to get metrics out of DataMiner towards Kafka.