We recently ran into some issues with a DMA and the Windows SNMP service. It seems that every time an upgrade happens, the SNMP service is stopped. I've tested this in an internal lab and can confirm that the SNMP went from started to stopped after the DMA upgrade. Additionally, the service had been configured to automatic, but yesterday some Windows updates were done and the servers had to be rebooted. After the servers came online, the SNMP service was stopped and set back to manual.
Has anyone seen this before? Does the DMA mess with the SNMP service by design or is it a bug?
If you’re having trouble viewing the link I posted, I’ve uploaded the video to the automated post in the Dojo Community channel. Thanks!
Hi Luis,
Indeed, the screen recording shows that even if the option ‘Stop SNMP’ is unchecked, the SNMP service is stopped. In order to further investigate the issue, please if you can create a task reporting this issue.
You can follow up the actions performed on the SNMP service using the Event Viewer (Windows Logs -> System). When stopping the SNMP service, you will see an event entry with Event ID 1003.
It’s a bug since RN22455 (9.6 CU3 / 9.6.9), where part of the upgrade is not respecting the “Stop SNMP” option value.
Hi Miguel, thanks for the info. Unfortunately, from our testing this doesn’t seem to be the case. Here’s a quick video from Gelber showing that the SNMP service is running prior to the DMA upgrade, the upgrade is executed, but then the SNMP service is stopped once the upgrade is done. This seems to be a bug. https://skylinebe-my.sharepoint.com/personal/gelber_mahecha_skyline_be/Documents/MicrosoftTeamsChatFiles/SNMPWindowsService.mp4