Hi Community
I have a question regarding this procedure from the Help, I followed it manually because the factory reset tool mention there wasn't worked for me (but that's another history). So everything went well following the steps to get a clean DMA but when I started again the DMA to see the results all the users previously removed were created again. So I was thinking that the problem was that the security.xml file was not touched it and I tried again removing all the users from windows then from the folder: Skyline DataMiner\Users and then I rename the security.xml file to get a new one once the DMA stars but surprisingly all the users were again created, so the question what would be the correct procedure?
That's probably because DataMiner still has the users in his sync info file. It tries to recreate them again.
Clear the security.xml file, remove the below mentioned file and restart DMA.
In case of a cluster, you'll need to do this on all DMAs at once. Removing single users doesn't work.
C:\Skyline DataMiner\files\SyncInfo\{DO_NOT_REMOVE_68EE4388-7EF6-4cb4-B38F-5E0045175340}.xml

Also make sure to remove the users in Windows (run compmgmt.msc) as DataMiner will never remove them there so you may end up with a lot of unused users (causing potential security holes).
Note: Make sure DataMiner is stopped when removing the syncinfo file or when editing the XML files.